
Company Overview

Company Name Fuji Electric Machine Mfg Co., Ltd.
Founded May 1951
Capital 20 million yen
Representative Director Tatsuo KURAMOTO
Employees 121
Location of Head Office 5-19-1 Ikuno, Katano City, Osaka, Japan 576-0054
Branch Offices Akita, Tokyo, Omiya, Nagano, Nagoya, Kanazawa
Suita, Aboshi, Hiroshima, Yonago, Kyushu
Business (1)Manufacture and repair of commutators for railway vehicles and other general use.
(2)Manufacture and repair of electric motors and rotating machines for railway vehicles and other general use.
(3)Manufacture of parts for rolling stock and other general electric motors and rotating machines
(4)Manufacture and repair of reactors for rolling stock and other general use
(5)Labor dispatch business
(6)All businesses related to the above
Board Members Representative Director/President: Tatsuo KURAMOTO
Directors: Hiroshi MORIMOTO (Responsible for General Affairs Dept.)
                  Kouji MATSUDA (Sales Manager.)
                  Toshihiro  MATSUOKA
Auditor: Katsuya AOYAMA


1951 May

Company originally founded in Miyakojima Ward, Osaka

1974 January

Head Office and factory moved to Katano City, Osaka

1974 April

Started repairing business for DC main and auxiliary motors

1977 October

Patented mica-ring production method for commutator insulation

1979 June

Updated reactors for vehicles and started repairing business

1985 May

Started manufacture and repairing business for tacho-generators

1996 April

Certified as a designated factory for repair works by various Japan Railways companies

1998 July

Started repairing business for AC main motors

2007 April

Newly constructed our Factory No. 2 and installed equipment for load testing of AC motors

2008 March

Started repairing business for resistors

2017 April

Started to receive order for various models of newly manufactured reactors

2019 January

Transfer of stock to West Japan Railway Technos Co., Ltd.(Formation of wholly-owned subsidiary)

2021 November

Completed the regular inspection and repair line at Plant No. 2.

2022 October

Acquired manufacturing business related to electric motor coils for rolling stock from Kyoshin Electric Co.
Opened Yokohama Office
